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Rescue Remedy


The crisis mix is a blend of five different remedies -



About Rescue Remedy â€‹


This mix of 5 remedies was created by Dr. Bach to deal with emergencies and crises – the moments when there is no time to make a proper individual selection of remedies.


Rescue Remedy is helpful to quickly get us through the stressful moments ranging from nervousness to panic attack during:

  • Exams

  • Accidents

  • Job interviews

  • Public speaking

  • Missing your flight and so on​


Rescue Remedy vs Personalised Treatment Remedies


The crisis formula is designed to help deal with immediate problems. If you are facing long term emotional distress, this suggests a deeper underlying problem and the more effective solution is to Talk to a practitioner to get those feelings properly sorted out and  take remedies from a personalised treatment bottle instead. â€‹


Rescue Remedy Cream


The cream version of the crisis formula contains the same five remedies as the liquid, with the addition of Crab Apple, the cleansing remedy. This formula dates from the early 1960s and was put together by Dr. Bach’s assistant, Nora Weeks.


The cream is also an emergency combination, and a convenient way of applying the crisis formula externally to bumps and bruises of all kinds.


Rescue Remedy with White Chestnut


This is a version of the crisis formula with the addition of White Chestnut, the remedy to stop unwanted repetitive thoughtsThis mix is especially helpful when one's anxiety attacks are caused by uncontrollable rumination within the mind.


This mix can be used at anytime of the day to counteract the acute effects of internal arguments that causes mental torment. 



Buy Rescue Remedies


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