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Founder of the Bach System
Dr. Edward Bach


​1886 - 1936

M.B, B.S, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, D.P.H. (CAMB) 

Medical Doctor, Scientific Researcher, Homeopathic Bacteriologist & Pathologist

Herbalist, Spiritual Philosopher & Healer



Early Medical Career


In 1912, Dr. Edward Bach qualified as a medical doctor in London. He was a house surgeon and also ran his own private practice in Harley Street. As a bacteriologist and pathologist, Dr. Bach investigated the role of bacteriology in chronic diseases and undertook original research into vaccines in his own research laboratory.


Dr. Bach also joined the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital where he worked on homeopathic medicines. He was a successful, respected and renown physician with published research findings in the British Homoeopathic Journal.


Holistic Approach


Dr. Bach was dissatisfied with the reductionist approach of conventional medicine - where doctors were expected to concentrate solely on external symptoms of the body and the elimination of physical diseases. He believed that true healing begins from within the patient.


Through his medical experience, Dr. Bach noticed that irrespective of the patient's physical symptoms, there were certain personality attributes present in those of ill health. He observed that emotional imbalances and an inner disharmony was often the root cause of a patient’s physical ailment.


Looking to Nature


Wanting to use only pure and harmless remedies for healing instead of bacterial and virus nosodes, Dr. Bach looked to Nature for healing herbs. He began collecting plants, in particular flowers – the most transformative part of the plant – to create a series of gentle yet effective remedies for the mind, emotions and spirit.


Gifted Healer


Dr. Bach exercised his natural gifts as a healer by allowing his intuition to lead him to discover the right plants. He would suffer a variety of emotional states until he found the plant that would ease his corresponding ailment. Through trial and error, he prepared and tested thousands of plants over time. Dr. Bach discovered the first three flower remedies: Impatiens, Mimulus and Clematis in 1928.


By 1930, he had given up his lucrative Harley Street practice and devoted his life to his quest of seeking for healing remedies to perfect his system of natural and holistic medicine. Dr Bach found that the right remedies eased a patient's unhappiness and distress by restoring their body’s natural healing potential.


Life’s Work Complete


By 1935, a total of thirty-eight remedies were found. Dr. Bach announced that his search for remedies was alas complete. The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies published in 1936 was the final edition written by Dr. Bach, serving as a living text to preserve the simplicity of his system in the present day context. 



In a letter to his friend Victor Bullen, just a month before his death: 


“Our work is steadfastly to adhere to the simplicity and purity of this method of healing... firmly upholding the harmlessness, the simplicity, and the miraculous healing powers of the remedies.”


Dr. Bach passed away peacefully in November 1936, leaving behind a legacy of his life's work that is still helping people all over the world today - The Bach System of 38 Remedies. 


Chronology of Dr. Edward Bach credits:

The Bach Centre

Healing Herbs 


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